Call for Ideas

Call for Ideas

You are not expected to have a finished concept to receive sponsorship from Migros Culture Percentage Sparx. Sparx focuses on innovative, interdisciplinary ideas in all fields with the potential for development. For Sparx, an idea is particularly interesting when it takes a new approach or addresses culturally, politically, or socially relevant issues. During the Sparx Studio period, these ideas can be developed and honed with the help of our coaches.

Looking for bright ideas!

The Call for Ideas 2024 is now closed! New ideas for funding by Sparx Studio 2025 can be submitted in fall 2024. You can find the terms and conditions here at the bottom of this page. We'll answer many more questions in the fact sheet you can download below, in our FAQ, or digitally on WhatsApp or Telegram.

Terms and conditions of participation

To submit your ideas for the Sparx studio period, you must fulfil these terms and conditions of participation:

  • You are a group of at least two people.
  • You have an idea that you want to work on and refine together.
  • At least two thirds of your group are aged between 18 and 28.
  • A minimum of two and a maximum of four members of your group would like to take part in the three-month studio period (including the studio weekend).
  • The Studio participants are Swiss residents aged between 18 and 28.